Electronics Handling Solutions
Bringing together leading robotic solutions from Mecademic Robotics
and cutting edge adhesion handling technology
ADHESO Technology in Electronics
ADHESO grippers developed by INNOCISE can be individually tailored to different application requirements by varying the material, topography, and miniaturization.
They are made using a special polymer of extremely finely structured legs that adhere to different materials and geometries.
Assembly and handling of PCBs and electronic components is well suited for the ADHESO technology for a few reasons:
- No mechanical pulses acting during the gripping process.
- Zero particle emission (well suited for hygienically sensitive environments)
- ADHESO can handle a variety of different geometries and surface finishes. Parts with holes and/or uneven surfaces can be gripped without any pre-handling adjustments to the system.

Gripping Process
The concept is biologically inspired by the adhesive forces used by animals such as geckos. Intermolecularly acting Van der Waals forces are used to grip various workpieces.
To pick up an object, gentle pressure is placed on the structure, thereby increasing the contact surface area and initiates the effects of the Van der Waals forces.
Objects can be released from the gripper using four different release mechanisms: Rotary, Tilting, Sliding, & Pressing
Our Mecademic Robotics line offers a range of advanced, ultra-precise robotic arms that are perfect for handling small components and materials in the electronics industry. These robots are equipped with advanced sensors and control systems, ensuring precise and repeatable performance which is critical..
Pairing with the Meca500 from Mecademic Robotics, we also offer a range of ADHESO grippers for handling delicate and complex components. These grippers feature a unique adhesive technology that allows them to securely hold onto small parts without causing damage. This makes them perfect for use in the electronics industry, where precision is key.
Whether you need a robotic arm for assembly, inspection, or material handling, or a gripper for delicate component handling, we have the solution for you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you improve your manufacturing processes and see the technology in person!